I recently picked up Pilar Alessandra's ON THE PAGE DVD... It's SO good!
I first was introduced to Pilar last year when I was a part of a Women In Film Program called Flash Forward. One of the women in the program was a writer and told me I should try to go to one of her classes while I was in town... I didn't make it but I have been communicating with her via email for over a year now.
Who is she? She is the former Senior Story Analyst for DreamWorks and Radar Pictures who is now an independant Script Consultant who lives and works in LA and travels around the country - even Canada offering Screenwriting Classes. She is absolutely LOVELY and I am so... excited we are going to meet in person! If there is ever a person I would wish to be my Mentor it is Pilar. She is bright, articulate, creative and making a living doing what she loves - writing AND helping others acheive their dreams... SO Great!
Did you think I was teasing you with my Title? Here's an exercise for you to "Write a movie in just 10 minutes":
- There are 3 options to focus on when Brainstorming: Character, Event or Premise.
- If we choose Character - Is it a man or a woman?
- What is their flaw?
- What is the worst situation this character could be in?
- What is the 1st action this character would take in this situation?
- How might the action backfire?
- Who would be the least likely person(s) to team up or help the character? And why?
- What new action might our character and his supporting characters take?
- Who or what might get in the way of this new action? And why?
- How might the main character's flaw be turned into a skill, to help himself and the other characters?
- What is the final least likely action our character could take to redeem their flaw?
- The End!
If you thought that exercise was fun - it was only the 1st step... How could you not want to learn more?! Join me with Pilar in Vancouver this July 13th. She is offering an all day workshop at the Canadian Film & Television Production Association. Tickets can be purchased at Biz Books.
If you can't make it... You can buy her DVD on line at the Writers Store or you can listen to her Podcast!
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