Saturday, June 21, 2008


I recently saw this quirky little gem of a film again and I must say it gets better each time I watch it!

I couldn't wait for this film to come out in DVD on April 15th. I only saw a few movies when living in Kauai and this was so worth the trek!

Here are just a few of it's memorable lines:
*Geese Banana... Shut your friggen GOB!

*Momma Bear, your Eggo is Prego... Pay for that pee stick when you're done. Don't think it's yours because you marked it with your urine. What's the prognosis fertile myrtle?

*The little pink plus sign is so unholy... That ain't no etcha sketch, this is one doodle that can't be undid, home skillet.

*Honest to Blog?!

*It's probably just a Food Baby.

*All babies want to get borned!

*Despirately Seeking Spawn or Baby Starved Wing-nuts

*Great in Chair!

*Pork Sword

*East Jesus no where...

*One BIG fat sack of NO.

*He is the Cheese to my Macaroni.

My favourite Quote is when Juno is talking to her Father about Relationships: The best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are... Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you. The right person will still think the sun shines out of your ass! That's the kind of person that's worth staying with.

xo P.

P.S. This movie was filmed in Vancouver, Kitsilano and Ladner. If you are interested in seeing what other films were shot here, check out: The Best (and Worst) Movies Filmed in Vancouver.


1 comment:

DaKing said...

I have to see it again! I forgot how funny and sweet that movie was