It makes me wonder... Does this person not respect the time I have set aside to be with them? I get that this question is my EGO talking - yes, I read A New Earth ;P
OR is this act - perceived as dismissive - not personal at all? Are they simply just programmed to answer the phone?
I notice this compulsion more in a certain generation. My parents are like this... hence they think I am being completely cheeky when they see me not answering my phone when I am with them. They wonder if I don't want to speak in front of them. They wonder if I mute their calls once checking to see who it is... Paranoia sets in. When frankly, I am just trying to be polite! I lack the sense of obligation that they and many other's have and this bothers them.
My Father jokes that I should record a message that says, "Sorry I can't take your call, leave a message so when I am not with someone else or doing anything better than talking to you - I'll call back." You see where I get my cheekiness from!
My parents programming has come from the days before Cel Phones, before Voicemail and even before Answering Machines... When you missed a call - YOU MISSED A CALL! I on the other hand, being part of the generation with the benefits of modern day devices, can be assured that if someone urgently needs to get a hold of me they will leave a message that states just that. We live in different realities.
Back to Phone Etiquette: Sure, there are exceptions to every rule... If you are with someone who has to answer their phone for work - it's understandable - you take what you can get. Plus if you are waiting for a specific call and you make a point of telling whomever you are with that you may be interrupted and that you will have to excuse yourself - well done - I salute you. Share YOUR exceptions, comments or concerns...
My concern is that as a whole we have lost our ability to be present! So rather than just complain here is my request in hopes to bring about change... Disconnect and COMMUNICATE with the one you are with. xo P.
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