I have a gaggle of boys I spend time with... Boy-Friends...
They are all very different, and they come with different labels:
- The Co-worker
- The Entrepreneur
- The Mentor
- The Mentored
- The Married Guy
- The Divorced Guy
- The Younger Guy
- The Older Guy
- The Gay Guy
- My Confidante
- My Fitness Partner
- My Lunch Partner
- My Creative Partner
- My Movie Partner
- My Travel Partner
I have girlfriends who have been married for decades (yes! married at 12) and I think the fact that they started their journey with their partners at a young age, they grew their interests in the same direction. That said, some veer off into separate interests but it appears that those who are the happiest, from my perspective anyways, tend to be aligned with how they spend their spare time.
Am I ENVIOUS? Sometimes, when I eat alone... but the truth is - my life is what it is and due to a series of events here I am. A few weeks ago, I had someone say, "I know what your problem is..." (Yes, if you have been reading these posts regularily - this is the 2nd time in the last month that someone has said this. As before, I have come to terms that this question is more about them than me. I think my unconventional reality makes people confront their own.)
"Your life is ALL about YOU!"
Which I had to agree... no argument there. I have moments when I focus on someone else, but I always come back to me - it's grounding - I'm an all or nothing type so... like a lot of woman I can lose myself in a relationship. Balance is the quest... and to date, I have found this - in group. Maybe it's a STIMULUS issue... I require a lot, so anyone I invite into my world has to be pretty extraordinary! That's not to say I'm not open... So what am I searching for?
PASSION is the key... I don't have a physical TYPE I am attracted to... what does turn me on is someone who is up to playing a BIG game - on the field - not in the stands. My unique ability is being able to sniff this out in a crowd - the ever present potential that exudes from their pores. Their energy is inspiring and to me... OH so... attractive.
These are the qualities of the people I like to spend time with. Individuals that are payed to be themselves. They have some unique talent or skill that propells them forward on a mission to fulfill their goals... Which frankly must be more than just having enough money to retire comfortably.
Contribution is a key, they get that they are not alone on the planet, that WE are all part of a community - big and small. Like me, they are in ACTION to make a difference one way or another.
So... that's that... To answer all those in my life curious about why I am SINGLE... I will continue to acquire "boys" until a MAN as described, crosses my path Xo
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