Back in the land of color therapy, where emerald green mountains and turquoise waters make you sigh out loud...
Back where I don't need to wear rose colored glasses, buy aromatherapy or layer up with moisturizer...
Back where my body and soul are not only fed but rejuvinated and nourished by the soft water, tropical fruits & vegetables, clean air and temperate climate of this humid but breezy island...
Back where you run barefoot in the soft sand for miles and throw yourself in the ocean for a full body salt water cleanse... instead of going to the gym...
Back where friends welcome you with open arms and acquaintances are happy to accept you into their fold...
Back where I call HOME.
This is the Kauai I choose to remember and the reality I am living into. This past weekend in the midst of looking for a place to once again settle, I...
- Swayed side to side at a Fiji - Reggae - Concert (aka Jawaiian Music)
- Hiked down to the Queen's Bath for a swim with the fish - see my last year pics in my Facebook Album - yes those ARE surfing turtles!
- Strolled Hanalei Bay (as seen above) with an amazing cup of Kona Coffee in hand.
- Found the Home of my Dreams - A Beautiful Kalihiwai Ridge hilltop 4 bedroom + cottage on 2 acres with valley and distant ocean views - perfect! One day...
- And sipped mojitos at the BIN 941 of the North Shore - an island style open air lounge called - Baracuda.
What will happen next week? Stay tuned... P.
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