Why "Rabbit Stories"? When I was 4 years old, I apparently (so say my parents) saw a rabbit in the field beside our house. By the afternoon it was 10 rabbits, by the evening it was 100. From that day forward when I told exagerated stories (something I have been known to do) my parents would question the validity of my tale by asking if this was just another "rabbit story"?!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Word of the Day: HAOLE
[hou-lee, -ley]

1. | (among Polynesian Hawaiians) a non-Polynesian, esp. a Caucasian. |
2. | (formerly) a foreigner. |
Origin: 1835–45
I never minded being called a "haole" when I was here in Kauai, though a local friend, of Hawaiian decent, told me that she would never call me that and that I should certainly never call myself it either...
It turns out the reason behind her rejection of this "label" was because it actually means: Hollow - referring to having No Soul... This is what the Polynesians labeled the "white man" back in the day as they saw their people dying of small pox, their culture being surpressed and their land being taken away.
I agree with my girlfriend - this label is not for me - nor is it for the majority of expats I have met along my path in the present and in the past who reside on the island.
That said, the other day as I was driving down the Kuhio Hwy to grocery shop in town, I followed a rental vehicle whose passengers - to my surprise - opened their window and at 50 miles an hour threw out their garbage! Hmm... I tell you, I thought of a few other choice words I could use to label such disrespectful behavior.
Lately I have noticed an island initiative to educate the masses... Since I left, signs have popped up requesting visitors to pack out their trash from beaches, to not stand on the reef and to observe the local courtousy of waiting for 5-7 cars to cross one of the many one lane bridges. I applaud this gracious attempt to "educate" the unmindful rather than become embittered towards the tourists.
So here's a question: Are you a good traveler? When you are on vacation would you consider yourself a conscious or an unconscious guest?
Often as a Hotel Manager I would encounter guests who would say things like, "It's not my responsibility, I'm on vacation!", when being confronted about damage to their suite, excessive cleaning charges and even about their choice to not recycle.
In my opinion this does not constitute a "good traveler" and thankfully it is not my experience of all guests and tourists. So here is to all those who board planes for an experience beyond their own who are considerate, kind and caring to the people, the land and the properties they visit. Well done! P.
Friday, October 10, 2008
John Mayer - Say what you need to say...
From The Bucket List Soundtrack - Speak up people! xo P.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
They used to say...

This is the 6th time I have arrived back on Kauai... and there is something about the rituals of reconnecting to a community that make coming back feel like coming home. Rituals that tend to feed my senses, particularly my taste buds...
I begin by driving straight from the airport to Wall Mart to buy sunscreen, bug spray, water, Haupia (coconut) Yogurt and Anahola Tropical Granola for breakfast... Funny, I have never been to a Wall Mart in Vancouver - but here it's my 1st stop!
Next I pop into Lihue's Costco to pick up my favorite "inexpensive" Australian red wine: Rosemount Shiraz for only $7.99 a bottle ($19.99 CA).
When driving north, I roll down the windows just before Kealia Beach to smell the salty surf breaking on the reef - it's the most amazing aromatherapy, and always makes me exhale, my shoulders drop and I remember to be present...
Over the next few days, I slowly pick away at my Island to-do list:

I make a point of stopping at ONO Charburger on the Kuhio Hwy in Anahola and having Auntie Momie make me the best Local Girl Burger with fried onions and their special teriyaki sauce - Oh So... ONO!
Followed by a trip to the Hanalei Farmer's Market to find the freshest organic fruit & veg.

Next stop is at the Hanalei Dolphin Fish Market... for some fresh AHI to sear for dinner...
Which reminds me, I can't miss a visit to the local Fish Taco Van at Anini Beach... The BEST homemade salsas!

I squeeze in a Bikram's Yoga class at the Hanalei Yoga studio followed by a Nestea style plunge into the Bay.
Oh and let's not forget a visit to my local coffee haunt to Tina's smiling face behind the counter at Java Kai, where I go in the mornings for a cup of Kona to take with me on my Bay walk and where you will find me in the afternoon connecting to WIFI sipping a steamy Coconut Dream Latte while finding shelter from afternoon showers - in the winter that is...
To end a perfect day, I take a drive to the end of the road to watch the sunset at Ke'e Beach with the other romantic sun worshipers.

And before the week is out, I must make a trip to the South Shore to visit the Kauai Coffee Company's Plantation to pick up my favorite Hawaiian Spice Blend, only found here - not sold in stores!
This is my Kauai... I hope one day you have the privilege of creating memories of your own. xo P.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Saturday Mornings at the Hanalei Market...

This summer I had the privilege of visiting Saturday Morning Markets in several Vancouver & Beijing neighborhoods... The nice thing about this one is that amazing fruit & vegetables are available year round - reason #48 why Kauai is the best ;P
To see more photos - follow this Facebook Link... xo P.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
30 days of Yoga...

Well, here is my commitment for the month of October...
With a mantra like, "Don't Dwell Just Jell" and classes named:
- Goin' Big
- Aloha Abs
- Bliss Rider
- Twisted Sister
- Shoulder High
- Sunset Session
Who wouldn't be inspired! I am joining my old friend - Vancouver's own Eoin Finn on a Power Yoga for Happiness - Surf Edition mission. As previously detailed in my April post... Timing is everything and I now have the time and am in the place to commit. Stay tuned for weekly updates - anyone want to bet whether I can do this or not? I'm 5 days in... P.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Whoop! Whoop! I'm BACK...

Back in the land of color therapy, where emerald green mountains and turquoise waters make you sigh out loud...
Back where I don't need to wear rose colored glasses, buy aromatherapy or layer up with moisturizer...
Back where my body and soul are not only fed but rejuvinated and nourished by the soft water, tropical fruits & vegetables, clean air and temperate climate of this humid but breezy island...
Back where you run barefoot in the soft sand for miles and throw yourself in the ocean for a full body salt water cleanse... instead of going to the gym...
Back where friends welcome you with open arms and acquaintances are happy to accept you into their fold...
Back where I call HOME.
This is the Kauai I choose to remember and the reality I am living into. This past weekend in the midst of looking for a place to once again settle, I...
- Swayed side to side at a Fiji - Reggae - Concert (aka Jawaiian Music)
- Hiked down to the Queen's Bath for a swim with the fish - see my last year pics in my Facebook Album - yes those ARE surfing turtles!
- Strolled Hanalei Bay (as seen above) with an amazing cup of Kona Coffee in hand.
- Found the Home of my Dreams - A Beautiful Kalihiwai Ridge hilltop 4 bedroom + cottage on 2 acres with valley and distant ocean views - perfect! One day...
- And sipped mojitos at the BIN 941 of the North Shore - an island style open air lounge called - Baracuda.
What will happen next week? Stay tuned... P.
Friday, October 3, 2008
I'm Yours (Kauai) - Jason Mraz
Kauai's North Shore... Thanks Amy! xo P.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Quote of the Month...
Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude.
Denis Waitley
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
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