Saturday, May 17, 2008


Last month I went to a Landmark Creating Happiness Seminar...

Yup... me, my new "buddy" and over 200 Graduates from Landmark programs squeezed our way into a Downtown Vancouver Hotel to listen how "Happiness" was a hot topic!

"Each of us wants to be happy. Yet few can say with much precision just what happiness is or what brings it about. We often think something “out there” (new love, a raise, some change in circumstance) will make happiness come to be. In the first two-and-a-half hours of this event, we will go beyond theories and strategies to discover a direct access to creating happiness — right here, right now. "

I loved being reminded that our emotions are feelings that are created by our thoughts. That at any given time we can CHOOSE how we feel. Simple, no? Well what I GOT from that evening was that it is not my environment that makes me happy. It's who I am being - where ever I am - that guides my experience. Life is too short to get STUCK... That getting "off it" whatever "it" may be is the only way for me to live in the present.

This was a great event... As we left the Banquet Room we were handed his and her Mood Rings and then were directed to an area with appies & bevies so we could mix, mingle and be! Well done Landmark - and thanks for the reminder to be responsible!

xo P.

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