Saturday, May 17, 2008

Are you a Tigger or an Eeyore?

One of my best friends saved this lecture for me to watch while I was house sitting... I pass it on with gratitude, love and blessings.

Professor Randy Pausch's Last Lecture Sept. 18 2007:
Achieving Your Childhood Dreams... and so much more.

Shared Lessons:
We can not change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.

Brick walls are there for a reason: they let us prove how badly we want things.

"Coach Graham road you pretty hard hey?" "Yeah." "That's a good thing... When you are screwing up and no one is saying anything to you anymore - that means they gave up." That's a very bad place to be... Your critics are the ones telling you they still love you and care.

I never made it to the NFL... "Experience is what you get, when you didn't get what you wanted."

Go for the Risk... It's better to fail spectactularly than pass along something mediocre.

Wait long enough... and people will surprise and impress you. Everybody has a good side.

How to tell someone they are being a Jerk and still have them like you...
It's such a shame that people percieve you as so arrogant, because it is going to limit what you are going to be able to accomplish in your life.

Re. Bosses: Respect authority while questioning it.

Tell them about having FUN... That's like a fish giving a talk about the importance of water.

Never lose the Child-like Wonder... It's just too important

Help Others! Loyalty is a two-way street...

For women: When it comes to men - who are romantically interested in you it's really simple... Ignore everything they say and only pay attention to what they do.

Never Give Up! Don't bail; the best gold is at the bottom of barrels of crap.

How to get people to help you... You can't get there alone, and I believe in Karma!

1)Tell the truth.
2)Be earnest - earnest is long term.
3)Apologize when you screw up. Note: This is done in 3 parts:
...a. What I did was wrong.
...b. I feel bad I hurt you.
...c. How do I make it better?
4)Focus on others, not yourself.

Get a feedback loop and... listen to it! When people give you feedback, cherish it.

Be good at something it makes you valuable...

Don't complain; just work harder. Luck is truly where preparation meets opportunity!

Show Gratitude!

xo P.

P.S. Since this aired (12,759,340 views and counting), Randy Pausch has been interviewed by Diane Sawyer and Oprah both inspiring and available to be seen on You Tube.

P.S.S. The Book The Last Lecture is available in Stores.


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