Friday, May 30, 2008

SEX & THE CITY is BACK! Whoop Whoop...

What can I say... I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the 2-1/2 hours that I spent in the theatre! This film is oh SO... very fun, like visiting old friends, catching up on each other's lives over cocktails. I don't know about you, but I was so... sad when the series ended, it was like a relationship died and the reruns, were as satisfying as looking at photos of a lost love.

A girlfriend flew into town to share this experience with me (okay, maybe it was just timing and not for the film or me but...) we dressed in our cutest shoes after going for pedicures, then went for afternoon Cosmos before going to an afternoon matinee... And we haven't stopped talking about it since ;P

I thoroughly appreciated how Michael Patrick King (who I stood behind in line for coffee at Hanalei's Java Kai this Christmas) matured the characters of Sex and the City. The expanded story lines seem like they would appeal to a broader female audience.

I myself, was in fact the target market when the series was running - late thirties, single, living in the heart of the downtown core, and like the characters - looking for love... Many of my married friends, in the throws of motherhood couldn't relate and found the show vulgar. I tried on many occasions to explain how once you invested in the characters, the show no longer appeared to be only about SEX!

Whatever... they didn't have the interest or the time to invest in getting caught up - that is until the edited versions hit Cable! How smart were they (Michael & Sarah Jessica) to wait for a new viewing audience to catch up and join the band wagon before launching their film persona's - very smart!

I think Jessica Reaves' Review from The Chicago Tribune says it the best:

It's escapist fun with an enormous amount of heart, the kind of viewing that reminds you to call your best friend, just so she knows you're there if she needs you. "My friends," Carrie intones over the opening montage, "have been my salvation." Ditto, xo P.

P.S. The DVD is going to be even better! Frankly I prefer to watch the nudity & sex scenes on a small screen - I'm not so fond of the up close and personal body parts. I mean really... who needs to see Mr. Big's Tongue! Eeeww.... forever cheeky ;P

Monday, May 26, 2008

Mercury Retrograde!

May 26- June 19, 2008
Here we go again... Mercury goes retrograde once again. It happens 3 times a year and it lasts for about 3 weeks. This time is from May 27 to June 19, 2008. Then from September 24 to October 15, 2008 and then from January 11, 2009 to February 1, 2009.

This is an important period, and we should be aware of the effects associated with this astrological influence. Since it is so often, we must learn what it means and how to take advantage of it.

General influence of Mercury Retrograde:
Mercury rules over the mind's processes, studying, communication, businesses, travels and the like. When Mercury reverses its direction, all these areas are affected as well.

The mind turns naturally inwards and people tend to analyze more the own thoughts and follow the common thinking patterns, rather then be curious and eager of new intellectual experiences or challenges. This helps the meditation or the thorough lonely long-term study of a specific matter, but it affects the study of new subjects, the communication with the others, the attention oriented outwards.

Businesses, travels and communications tend to experience delays and different problems. Computers and other processes that work with information may experience crashes, unexpected failures.

Don't enroll to courses, don't buy expensive Mercurian items (books, cars, mobile phones etc.), don't sign important contracts and do not marry.

What is this Mercury retrograde period good for?
This is an excellent time to work on old projects that never got to be finished. So, think about the things you started and never finalized.

Next, you might wish to prevent any bad things to happen to you: so double-check your agenda, call your business partners to confirm that everything goes as planned, have everything ready before the deadline and leave some extra time for unexpected events. Make copies of your important files and documents, save your work more often.

The other solution is to go on vacation or at least slow down the pace of your projects. You will find that going slowly during the Mercury retrograde period will spare you many efforts of redoing the same action that wasn't performed right the first time.

Above all, be generous and compassionate: you are already aware about the influence of this period, but the others aren't aware of it or there may be uncontrollable events. That's why you should have more diligence with the others and give them some more time. It'll be your mental health that you'll be sparing actually.

This excerpt comes from
P.S. The effects of Mercury Retrograde last 3-4 days... I'll keep you posted when the coast is clear ;P

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Apple Store Opened in Vancity May 24th!

Geek Chic at it's best ;P

If you are looking for a camp not yet filled up for your 8-12 year olds this summer - try a Mac CAMP:

Presentation: In this iWork Workshop, you’ll create a slideshow with movies, music, photos, and charts and graphs.

Photo: In this iPhoto Workshop, you’ll turn digital photos into photo art.

Music: Pull a cool beat and catchy melody out of you head and make your own song. In the Music Workshop, you’ll learn everything you need to know to become an instant rock star.

Movie: Your director’s chair is waiting in the Movie Workshop, where you’ll learn how to make a movie in the time it takes to watch one!

Just think your tweens could become the next Ashley Qualls a symbol of "Girl Power" and a multi media millionaire at 17 with her Whatever Life Website! Just imagine... never having to hand out an allowance ;P

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Who are you?!

Have you heard of the word Enneagram?

According to the Sufis, we - all human beings, are one of nine personalities, each with positive and negative traits associated with these personality types. Do any of these sound familiar? They should, everyone has someone in their life who can fall under one of these nine types:

1 THE REFORMER i.e. Hilary Clinton
+The Rational, Idealistic Type: Principled, Purposeful and Self-Controlled.
-Perfectionistic, Compulsive, Corrective, Overly Critical and Judging.
--In madness this type can become Psychopathic.

2 THE HELPER i.e. Mother Teresa
+The Caring, Interpersonal Type: Demonstrative, Intuitive, Generous and People-Pleasing.
-Approval Seeking, Resentful and often Possessive.
--This type is often Self Neglecting.

3 THE ACHIEVER i.e. Oprah Winfrey
+The Success-Oriented, Pragmatic Type: Adaptive, Excelling and Driven.
-Image-Conscious, Focus on doing rather than being, Demand Respect and they Strive for Status.
--Often Work-a-holics

4 THE INDIVIDUALIST i.e. Johnny Depp
+The Sensitive, Withdrawn Type: Expressive and Dramatic.
-Aversion to the ordinary, the mundane and every day reality of what is. Desire to feel special and unique. Self-Absorbed, Vein, Entitled and Temperamental.
--This type can suffer from depression when unfulfilled.

5 THE INVESTIGATOR i.e. Bill Gates
+The Intense, Analytical, Objective, Cerebral Type: Perceptive and Innovative. Attention goes to gathering knowledge & wisdom, Thinking and Observing.
-Emotionally Detached, Secretive, Withdrawn, Isolated, focus on scarcity or lack and can be hoarders.
-- In madness this type can become schizophrenic.

6 THE LOYALIST i.e. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
+The Committed, Security-Oriented Type: Engaging, Responsible and Intuitive.
-Anxious, Suspicious, Questioning, Doubting, Threatened and Fearful.
--Paranoid, creating worst case scenarios and often phobic.

7 THE ENTHUSIAST i.e. Robin Williams
+The Busy, Fun-Loving Type: Spontaneous, Versatile, Optimistic and Adventurous.
-Distractible and Scattered, have a hard time staying focused. (Hello...)
--This type often has a Fear of Commitment.

8 THE CHALLENGER i.e. Rev. Martin Luther King
+The Powerful, Dominating Type: Self-Confident, Decisive, Willful, Authoritative and they often Fight Injustice!
-Confrontational, Intense, Hide or Deny their own Vulnerability, Punishes Weakness and can be Excessive .
--This type often creates combative environments and can suffer from anger issues.

9 THE PEACEMAKER i.e. Whoopi Goldberg
+The Easygoing, Self-Effacing Type: Receptive, Reassuring and Agreeable. Maintains Harmony & Peace, Warm, Understanding and Caring.
-Complacent, Avoid Conflict, Difficulty feeling and expressing anger.
-- Often Passive/Aggressive.

Who am I? I already gave you a hint, I am a number 7... Me and Robin Williams apparently. In investigating this personality, I have learned that my "Attention goes to options and possibilities, to seeking pleasure, to avoiding pain and discomfort and that (my) mind typically shifts quickly from idea to idea". Yup, sounds about right - I thought that I was just ADD - lol! Also, "Sevens like to keep the mood upbeat, and so engage in elaborate future planning, playful interactions and enjoyable activities. Typically having many interests and active imaginations." I agree.

As a coping strategy, "Sevens reframe something fearful, negative or uncomfortable as something positive." One of my belief systems is, "Why feel bad or suffer when there is the choice to be happy?" Also, we "may move toward the source of fear or discomfort in order to charm and hopefully disarm it." I have been doing this for years - befriending beasts ;P

My major traits are, "Fast-paced, fun loving, imaginative and afraid of commitment. We enjoy adventure and stimulation and believe in keeping the mood positive and forward moving." That said, under stress, we tend to revert to a number 1, and they say there is no mistake that one of my parents is in fact this personality... It just so happens to be my Father, hmm... maybe that is why we are so alike. Also, they say that you typically are attracted to personality types who are adjacent to your type. It turns out that I have a lot of evidence for this theory, my established love relationships have been with 6's and 8's.

Also, according to Di Cherry - a prominent Vancouver hypnotist, each Enneagram has a lie that we live into. That even though it is untrue, we operate from this story - or if you have taken the Landmark Advance Course - this act subconsciously and often to our detriment. Mine is that I am incomplete, not whole, forever searching for the answers to feel fulfilled... The next FIX as it were - a better environment, home, job, project and even partner to make me feel whole and complete.

This also explains my overwhelming need to learn as well as my inability to follow-through. That said, Di believes that, "knowing oneself and understanding your subconscious operating systems is the first step to overcoming your challenges." She said, "Now that I am aware of this lie, I can get that it just takes more effort on my part to complete things than others." That there is nothing to fix or "bad and wrong" about this, it just is what it is. No different, than the person who doesn't like Mondays... Mondays are a reality. So... you just have to work a little harder to have a good day when the week begins. C'est Voila! Answers for everything!

If you want to read more about your personality, check out the Enneagram Instititue's website. You can even take a sorting test to see who you are if uncertain... No fear - dive in - if anything, it's a different kind of conversation starter ;P

Forever Questioning, P.

Saturday, May 17, 2008


Last month I went to a Landmark Creating Happiness Seminar...

Yup... me, my new "buddy" and over 200 Graduates from Landmark programs squeezed our way into a Downtown Vancouver Hotel to listen how "Happiness" was a hot topic!

"Each of us wants to be happy. Yet few can say with much precision just what happiness is or what brings it about. We often think something “out there” (new love, a raise, some change in circumstance) will make happiness come to be. In the first two-and-a-half hours of this event, we will go beyond theories and strategies to discover a direct access to creating happiness — right here, right now. "

I loved being reminded that our emotions are feelings that are created by our thoughts. That at any given time we can CHOOSE how we feel. Simple, no? Well what I GOT from that evening was that it is not my environment that makes me happy. It's who I am being - where ever I am - that guides my experience. Life is too short to get STUCK... That getting "off it" whatever "it" may be is the only way for me to live in the present.

This was a great event... As we left the Banquet Room we were handed his and her Mood Rings and then were directed to an area with appies & bevies so we could mix, mingle and be! Well done Landmark - and thanks for the reminder to be responsible!

xo P.

Are you a Tigger or an Eeyore?

One of my best friends saved this lecture for me to watch while I was house sitting... I pass it on with gratitude, love and blessings.

Professor Randy Pausch's Last Lecture Sept. 18 2007:
Achieving Your Childhood Dreams... and so much more.

Shared Lessons:
We can not change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.

Brick walls are there for a reason: they let us prove how badly we want things.

"Coach Graham road you pretty hard hey?" "Yeah." "That's a good thing... When you are screwing up and no one is saying anything to you anymore - that means they gave up." That's a very bad place to be... Your critics are the ones telling you they still love you and care.

I never made it to the NFL... "Experience is what you get, when you didn't get what you wanted."

Go for the Risk... It's better to fail spectactularly than pass along something mediocre.

Wait long enough... and people will surprise and impress you. Everybody has a good side.

How to tell someone they are being a Jerk and still have them like you...
It's such a shame that people percieve you as so arrogant, because it is going to limit what you are going to be able to accomplish in your life.

Re. Bosses: Respect authority while questioning it.

Tell them about having FUN... That's like a fish giving a talk about the importance of water.

Never lose the Child-like Wonder... It's just too important

Help Others! Loyalty is a two-way street...

For women: When it comes to men - who are romantically interested in you it's really simple... Ignore everything they say and only pay attention to what they do.

Never Give Up! Don't bail; the best gold is at the bottom of barrels of crap.

How to get people to help you... You can't get there alone, and I believe in Karma!

1)Tell the truth.
2)Be earnest - earnest is long term.
3)Apologize when you screw up. Note: This is done in 3 parts:
...a. What I did was wrong.
...b. I feel bad I hurt you.
...c. How do I make it better?
4)Focus on others, not yourself.

Get a feedback loop and... listen to it! When people give you feedback, cherish it.

Be good at something it makes you valuable...

Don't complain; just work harder. Luck is truly where preparation meets opportunity!

Show Gratitude!

xo P.

P.S. Since this aired (12,759,340 views and counting), Randy Pausch has been interviewed by Diane Sawyer and Oprah both inspiring and available to be seen on You Tube.

P.S.S. The Book The Last Lecture is available in Stores.
