Island Sails Kauai chose to launch their Hawaiian Sailing Canoe - 2008 Season with a Traditional Blessing. The canoe was re-rigged, the invitations went out, the flowers and ferns were hand picked and crafted into leis, the Kahuna was requested and the friends and family came. It took a week to pull off this event - it was a team effort and it was an experience I am privileged to have been involved with and one I will never forget!

It was a perfect 78 degree evening as the sun set behind Mt. Makana (Bali Hai)... I have made so many amazing friends here who have brought me into their homes and hearts and shown me - a mainland haole CANADIAN - how magical their community is. I am forever grateful to all who made this day as special as it was.
Mahalo, P.
P.S. To view more photos please click on my Facebook Album.
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