My Kauai Ring Tone... xo P.
Why "Rabbit Stories"? When I was 4 years old, I apparently (so say my parents) saw a rabbit in the field beside our house. By the afternoon it was 10 rabbits, by the evening it was 100. From that day forward when I told exagerated stories (something I have been known to do) my parents would question the validity of my tale by asking if this was just another "rabbit story"?!
Monday, January 7, 2008
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Here's to a Happy Hip & Sexy New Year!
My lovely girlfriend Danielle decided I needed an "update". Well I must say, I had a hard time turning over my established image (being a self professed style guru - whatever!!!) to a gal who shops at a store called "Jeans Warehouse" (which is my new fave) BUT I thought what the heck - no one here (in Kauai) knows me, so if I am going to make a fashion feux pas I am relatively safe.