Why "Rabbit Stories"? When I was 4 years old, I apparently (so say my parents) saw a rabbit in the field beside our house. By the afternoon it was 10 rabbits, by the evening it was 100. From that day forward when I told exagerated stories (something I have been known to do) my parents would question the validity of my tale by asking if this was just another "rabbit story"?!
Racism is the belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
I arrived on island today... You can almost taste the sweetness of the air. It's soft, like the texture of whole milk on your tongue and the humidity wraps me up as if I am being cradled in an electric blanket. The smell of the plumeria is more than familiar, it's calming and the sound of the far off roosters - even at the airport - make me smile. I'm home. xo P.
This past weekend AMC had an 8 hour marathon and while I was packing my life up - to move to paradise, I was reminded how great the writing is, the character development is deliberately intriguing. Add to that the visual details - hair, make-up wardrobe, props, set dec all perfect! Reminding me why Art Direction was once a dream of mine... I guarantee this Set Dec Team had fun pulling the 60's into reality. Plus mark my words the fashion influence of this series will be unmistakable next year... Aesthetics aside it's smart and surprisingly unpredictable. Plus as one of the producers said, "It reminds us how little we have changed. We are just better at being polite". That interests me... though being a child in the 60's I can confirm that reality - at least parenting has evolved.
Don't miss up coming episodes Thursday nights at 10pm... Enjoy! P.Thank-you Ryan xo P.
Kauai, where troubles melt like lemon drops... There's no place like home xo P.
Paddy's influence is not forgotten xo P.