Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Writer's Journey...

This week in Film School I read the book - The Writer's Journey by Christopher Vogler. It's a fascinating read, based on the mythic story structure of Joseph Campbell

Here's a taste of the 12 stages of a HERO's Journey:

1. Ordinary World - The journey starts in the hero's normal world before the story begins.
2. Call to Adventure - The hero is presented with a problem, challenge or adventure to undertake.
3. Refusal of the Call - The hero refuses the challenge or journey, usually out of fear.
4. Meeting with the Mentor - The hero meets a mentor to gain confidence, advice or training to face the adventure.
5. Crossing the First Threshold - The hero crosses the gateway that separates the ordinary world from the special world.
6. Tests, Allies, Enemies - The hero faces tests, meets allies, confronts enemies & learns the rules of the Special World.
7. Approach - The hero has hit setbacks during tests & may need to reorganize his helpers or rekindle morale with mentor's rally cry. Stakes heightened. 
8. Ordeal - The biggest life or death crisis - the hero faces his greatest fear & only through "death" can the hero be "reborn" experiencing even greater powers to see the journey to the end.
9. Reward - The hero has survived death, overcomes his greatest fear and now earns the reward he sought. 
10. The Road Back - The hero must recommit to completing the journey & travel the road back to the Ordinary World. The dramatic question is asked again. 
11. Resurrection - The hero faces most dangerous meeting with death - this shows the hero can apply all the wisdom he's brought back to the Ordinary World.
12. Return with Elixir - The hero returns from the journey with the "elixir", so everyone in the world can use to heal physical or emotional wounds.

It's funny, I recognize these stages in the films I love (the ones that inspire), people I've met (many who I have mentored) and specifically my own life experiences. I have been "Called to Adventure" many times, and have left the "Ordinary World" behind.

Film School is once again a new journey full of goals and challenges. Here's to the roller coaster ride ahead, overcoming fears and "Returning with the Elixir"! xo P.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


This is my MOM - how CUTE is she?
My mother was the same age I am today, at the time this photo was taken!
I owe her everything... It's her sacrifices, past and present
that have allowed me my independence 
and made me the person that I am.
Thanks Mom, I love you! Xo T.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Congratulations to the winner of THE BEST JOB IN THE WORLD!!!

It's funny, Ben's video (below) was the first I saw, when I decided to throw my hat into the ring... A friend had emailed it to me stating, "Here's an example of a successful candidate". It was obvious to the organizers that Ben had what it took long before the deadline, and it's great to see that he was the winner of all of the challenges in Queensland!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Today I learned...

When asked to name my Favorite movie off the top of my head, I said:

And when asked what my Guilty Pleasure Favorite film was, I said:

Now that I am in full time film school, my greatest pleasure has been realized - I get to talk about films every day! I get to watch, dissect, pitch and learn about my passion with others just as obsessed. Life is Good! Xo P.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Canada Tourism Rocks!

Here's to summer kayaking in English Bay... It's just around the corner - fingers crossed ;P