Anyways, the movie was TOO FUNNY following 2 story lines. One about the guy and his posy and the other about the girl and her reality… A perfect balance – in other words a perfect date film – which is really hard to pull off. Gross-out jokes seldom work in a chick flick and visa versa but Apatow did it and even better than in his first film!
I have seen a TON of films lately… all due to being on so many planes this month… Here’s my personal critique – for whatever it’s worth:
Every character has a rich backstory, the overall theme totally touches on the subliminal fears of this generation even though it is set in the future. Michael Caine plays I think one of the best roles of his career and has an incredible monologue about the differences between “fate & chance” awesome and haunting.

History Boys – A British Film about a prep school preparing it’s elite students for entrance exams to go to Yale. It won tons of awards when it was a musical play on stage… So imagine my surprised to learn that the main character – their teacher was a Pedophile! NOT MY KIND OF FILM.

Music & Lyrics – Billed as a Romantic Comedy but really only a Comedy, and light hearted one at that, due to the fact I didn’t believe the chemistry between Hugh Grant & Drew Barrymore. EHHhhh... A rental at best.
Shooter – Interesting stats and math on how to successfully shoot a moving target but a little too red-neck and violent for me. In general a Rambo remake. For the record, I would have NEVER gone to see this - but it was the only film on a flight to Toronto :{

Letters from Iwo Jima – subtitled, so a little hard to sit through but an interesting Japanese perspective on war. Clint Eastwood is consistently amazing with his attention to detail. More my FATHER's type of film...
Apocalypto – Talk about violent but really WELL DONE – excellent story telling.
The Good German – It’s tough when you try to make a “classic”. They filmed this in black & white - fashioned after “Casablanca”. A character study of 3 people (2 Americans and 1 German) in Germany in the 40’s. The crude sex and violence made it uncomfortable to sit through, hence the word of mouth killed it at the box office and I predict in DVD as well. DON'T Bother...
Happy Feet – sweet and fun – with a great Global Warming message.
I haven’t seen the big releases like Spider Man 3, Pirates 3, Shrek 3 (though I LOVE Mike Myers – being Canadian and all), Oceans 13 or Surf’s up - yet…
As you can tell, I don’t have a favorite genre, I’ll watch pretty much anything. That comes from working in the film industry I think, even if the movie is CRAP I realize how much work and effort has gone in to the making of a film that I truly believe there has to be at least one redeeming quality – like people ;P People are never black and white, we operate in the grey, that’s what makes us interesting - I think. P.
As you can tell, I don’t have a favorite genre, I’ll watch pretty much anything. That comes from working in the film industry I think, even if the movie is CRAP I realize how much work and effort has gone in to the making of a film that I truly believe there has to be at least one redeeming quality – like people ;P People are never black and white, we operate in the grey, that’s what makes us interesting - I think. P.